welcome to Symbolor!
Symbolor is our powerful stock analysis tool that can make the stock trading world easier to navigate and interact with. With its powerful interface and stock analysis tools, it is the ultimate window into the stock trading world!
Low-Cost Stock Recommendation services
Symbolor is our powerful stock analysis tool that can make the stock trading world easier to navigate and interact with. With its powerful interface and stock analysis tools, it is the ultimate window into the stock trading world!
Automated Trading Platform
Build trading strategies per market, sector and symbol
Replay historical stock markets
We enable simulated transactions to the historical stock market as easy as possible, without the risk of losing money in the stock exchange before you are ready to. This gives you a feel of the stock market without the guilt of losing money on your back. Simulated Transaction is a key tool in Symbolor, allowing you to make a purely scientific and objective strategic decisions, without emotional risk of loss of money. Using simulated transaction, you can test your latest strategies on any of our symbols, from market indexes to ETFs.